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Home Van Pet Care Project News, from arupa

Spring 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HOME VAN PET CARE PROJECT! In May we will be two years old. This project came about when one of our friends, Diane, came to a support gathering for homeless people with a tiny kitty in her hands. That kitty was part of our first all spayed/neutered cat colony in Tent City – the Tent City Tribe. Diane and her friend James are still our reliable caretakers for that Tribe of nine cats.

Soon the Pathway Cat Tribe was formed. Sharon and Allan have overseen that group for over a year now, with various adventures along the way; notably the day that little Sidekick turned up with a plastic peanut butter jar stuck on his face. That took a few days, and we were worried, but he climbed a little tree, Allan got him down and removed the jar, and there was a celebration. Four kitties live in that Tribe.

Marilyn and Ghost were our first dogs and are still top dogs of Tent City. The little dogs came along in Fall of last year. Sheba, Obama, Skunk Bud, more recently the new baby, Heartbeat – Sometimes it all seems too much. We strongly support spay neuter but there are irresponsible people “out there” and breeders who just want to make a dollar. But that's not what we stand for, and with lots of help from our friends we make it through the days.

We value every animal and every caretaker, and very much our two volunteers who help specially with the Home Van Pet Care Project, Ann Boche's and Anja Ulanowicz. Thank goodness they turned up to help!

Feeding the animals of the homeless people is the primary mission of the Home Van Pet Care Project. But sometimes comes along a little one who needs to be rescued or an older cat or dog who needs to retire out of the woods.

Please remember about Abby and Duchess, older cats who need to retire to an inside home.

We helped out this month with a little kitty abandoned at a trailer park when his owners were evicted, called in to us by a formerly homeless friend. He was rescued and is happy in a new home. We still haven't found his sister. There's a whole litter of tiny baby kits we know of who need nurturing, and then those precious puppies and older dogs who also need help.

Special love at this birthday time to all the cats and dogs of Tent City and to all the homeless people in our area who are pet guardians. As always thanks to St. Francis Vet Clinic and Operation Catnip . . . and especially to those you who receive our newsletters, emails and phone calls and who always respond with such generosity.

As always, we need and appreciate donations of any size bags of dog and cat food, or funds for purchase. If you can donate, or if you would like more information, please contact: Elizabeth Howard, Home Van Pet Care Coordinator, Phone 352-337-2723. Checks should be made payable to St. Vincent dePaul Society (our “umbrella” nonprofit), and marked “For Home Van Pet Care Project.” Mail to Elizabeth Howard, P.O. Box 14305, Gainesville, FL 32604.

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