
Dangerously organic!

September 16, 2009

Elizabeth Howard, Coordinator

“. . . I live in the house near the corner, which I have named

Gratitude.” Mary Oliver

Many times now I come home and there are bags of pet food on my front porch and I don't even know who brought them here. Thank you to all who support the animals of the homeless with food and time and good wishes.

I also want to express our respect to those homeless citizens who keep an eye on the cat colonies, who foster dogs and even sometimes adopt them. I have a lot of respect for those who struggle to keep their pets with them after the evictions, even those who couldn't hold on.

It is a tragedy that there is no place for many of these people to go with their pets. Of the fifteen dogs I knew best prior to the evictions, five were given up for foster care and then to permanent adoption.

The other dogs, the new dogs, the new people, keep coming for food to the Home Van. We meet them there, at the St. Francis Clinic, watch for them at the library and link with other animal welfare and rescue groups to help out. There is a lot of need right now. We received beautifully decorated buckets of cat food and dog food from Susan Powell's Friendship Group and a portion of this was given to a home with three young dogs and a recent employment layoff.

A new project: To purchase County license tags for dogs of the Homeless. These will be primarily for dogs in the St. Francis Clinic program. They have their rabies and other vaccinations and are spayed/neutered and micro chipped. St. Francis does not have the facilities to issue the tags, so we will take care of that for them at Animal Services offices. The tags are $15. See below for how to donate.

As for the cat colonies, I also thank the wonderful volunteers who feed them and love them and watch over them as best we can. We had a death of one colony cat and then injuries of two cats, probably raccoon-related, but these kitties are improving. We need to be thinking about winter shelters, maybe using some of the “found objects” still lying around in the former Tent City. Think about it.

We still have the three former Tent City kitties who need permanent homes: Abby, Duchess and Taffy. Foster homes are safe and loving, but every kitty wants their own permanent home and person to love and be loved by, just like the dogs do and just like we do too. Please remember them and let me know if you have any ideas.

If you want to know more, to drop off food or for pickup, or want to help, please contact Elizabeth Howard, 352-337-2723, holisticliz@hotmail.com.

In order to make a donation of funds, please make check payable to our “umbrella” non-profit, St. Vincent dePaul Society. Mark your check “Home Van Pet Care,” or specifically “license tags for dogs” and mail to Elizabeth Howard, P.O. Box 14305, Gainesville Fl 32604.

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