
Dangerously organic!

(Photos by Mike Levin)

I dropped by the garden this weekend. The workday last weekend was a huge success. If you recall, the summer growth in McRorie Community Garden was begging for attention.

Here's a "before" photo linked to a set of photos of the garden, before the cleanup.

Here's an "after" shot, also linked to a set of photos taken this weekend, after the cleanup.

All the water timers have been removed, so we'll have to pay more attention to keeping our patches irrigated.

We're beginning to plant for Fall now, although it's still well into the 90'sF during the day.

We've had a lot of sunshine and blue skies, but you can see that things aren't as green as usual.

My patch (above) has a few sprouts: the garlic chives to the left (south) are still thriving. The jalapenos gave me some peppers for a pot luck Saturday. The mesclun mix that Mary and Ku gave me is growing a little. The lemon tree at the fence line is thriving. The cinnamon basil still produces sweet leaves.

You can see some of the African edible plants Michael grows in his patch in the photo above.

All in all, things are looking great! I look forward to seeing you at the garden as we all plant for the coming season.

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