
Dangerously organic!

We have had some cold weather here in Gainesville, haven't we? Well, settle back, click the video above and listen to One Love performed by musicians around the world and have a stroll through McRorie Community Garden with me...

A Great Day at the Garden

Here's yours truly, happy to be at the garden. But, it's been freezing at night and some plants have been affected.

A Great Day at the Garden

You can see Carol's sign in my patch. Lots of dry, brittle former watermelon plants. It looks like the lemon tree is fine. Wait til you see the mint below!

A Great Day at the Garden

Yes, fortunately mint is a hardy plant. It didn't get affected at all by the cold. I made some tea to celebrate!

A Great Day at the Garden

The rosemary is also hardy. It's a huge, beautiful bush that withstands practically anything.

A Great Day at the Garden

You can see how the fragile greens were affected by the cold.

A Great Day at the Garden

My friend Atul Bargaje from Pune, India accompanied me to the garden. He likes the Homeschool Patch.

A Great Day at the Garden

A few people covered their plants up. You can see that a little care goes a long way. These greens are healthy and happy!

A Great Day at the Garden

The garlic chives in my patch were planted by Sh'mal many moons ago. They survive practically anything. Plus, they taste great!

A Great Day at the Garden

Some plants in my patch just didn't make it. Root plants are still OK to pull after this cold. It's time to replant, though.

A Great Day at the Garden

Here's one of my favorite shots of the day. The colors are breathtaking, aren't they? I love how the sun trickles hazily through the Spanish moss.

A Great Day at the Garden

Here's another view of the garden in the other direction. Those blankets came in handy for people who had them and were prepared for the cold snap. This weekend is both a holiday weekend and predicted to be warm again. Perfect gardening weather. You may see me here on my bike if you drop by!

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