
Dangerously organic!

The Portland Hawthorne Hostel is one of my favorite hostels in the world. It's in Portland, Oregon.

Many of you Zoobirds have been to the Portland Hawthorne Hostel. I won't try to name you all! But, don't we have a blast there?

Well, Sunday is a special day at the eco-friendly Portland Hawthorne Hostel. There's a buffet lunch not to be missed. It's mostly vegetarian and sometimes very Indian. I've had curried chick peas and delicious cauliflower, to name just a couple of my favorite treats. Talbot, Steve and Sean are great hosts.

It just crossed my mind that today is the big day for the special buffet lunch, so in memory and looking forward to being there again, we're thinking of you, Hawthorne Hostel!

Happy, you're the man I usually see there. I didn't get your picture because your horns weren't in, remember! Brother Brian Love, you and the didjerie doo were a lot of fun! Julia, I am glad you made it here and look forward to hearing more of your music and especially stories about Ethiopia.

Dave, I know you're celebrating the Obama victory with a donut! Maybe a Voodoo donut next time we meet in Portland.

Gabby and Robbie, I know you are thinking of the delicious food.

Gabby, I never got to that Ethiopian restaurant we saw up Hawthorne Blvd.

Brant, thanks to our meeting, I'm now getting the San Luis Obispo bike group emails regularly.

Joanna, you're responsible for those delicious seminola pancakes we had *before* lunch last time. And, I know the Hawthorne cat Bailey misses you!

Zach, all I can say is I will join you at next year's beer fest!

Agnes, you were as much a part of it as anyone and I am so glad we can all stay in touch via Zoobird.

Jem, you haven't joined Zoobird yet, but we remember your conversations, especially about HFCS, high fructose corn syrup. In fact, we have a HFCS group here at Zoobird because of the info you passed along. We'll keep an eye out for you.

There's another Zach. Zach the cross country bike rider! But, that Zach hasn't joined Zoobird, yet.

This photo is part of Zach's legacy of riding from South Carolina to Oregon on his Surley, if you can believe that!

And, there were not just Zach and Brant on Surly bikes riding long distance, but a rider from Canada and Anna, an aspiring actress from the coast...

Good times at Hawthorne Hostel, Portland!

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