
Dangerously organic!

www.survivalistseeds.com/ HEIRLOOM SEEDS!!!!!!!


Your order will contain 15 seed VARIETIES, a total of 12,000 - 100% HEIRLOOM SEEDS. Compare my healthy long-term food solution to retailers whom provide 10 - 20 sterile seeds per packet and charge $3.00 a packet or OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS for what you are getting at $158 from me.
I grow all that I offer here. Because of demand, I purchase 50 to 250 pound containers for each of my varieties so I can get these incredible prices for you. I take what I do seriously and that is to help you and your family survive when the store shelves go empty. Since you are dealing with me, the owner, directly, you will not get the run-around. If you have a problem or a question, I will fix it myself. Email me at john@survivalistseeds.com
Each of my selections are tailored for survivalist!!!!!! NOT GARDENERS. Each food has an exact reason for why I selected and grow it. But more than anything else, I have selected these heirloom foods because they are extremely disease resistant, full of nutrition, and easy to grow.
EXAMPLE: Each tomato seed can give you 3 lbs. of food. The lettuce seed will provide you 2 lbs. of leafy substanance. With my carrots you'll get over a 1 lb. of crunchy vitamin C. And so on, so you can see how 12,000 seeds will actually give you more than a TON (12,000 lbs.) of food for $158. But I thought it best to only claim 5,000 lbs. for 4 pennies per pound..
Without my seeds, what will you do? Remember, extra seeds can be traded, sold, given away or saved for seven to ten years. Seeds more than bullets will be the key to why patriots like us have an abundance of food like this when most are starving.

We are all called to do something. You have a role, I have a role. I was called to feed the patriots during the coming difficult times. I grow most of my own food and harvest 20% of the seeds for resale. I package these seeds myself on my dining room table deep in the woods of southeastern Kansas where I have built a self-sufficient homestead. I invented the water filter system and the gardening method that I have added to this kit. You must have both. Now, let me explain something that you will agree with, but have never thought about...

Civilization will collapse in a 5 stage event just as I've outlined here. Although it can be put on fast track by a pandemic, an impending asteroid, world war, civil war, or terrorism, what follows is what will essentially happen. In realizing how the collapse will happen, you will understand how important it is to have 12,000 heirloom vegetable garden seeds ready to plant.

STAGE 1. As long as the economy is thriving and you have freedom and are not over taxed, life can be good.
Here are your most important assets today:
Health Insurance,
Home Value,
Automobile Image,
Credit Rating for Debt Accumulation.

STAGE 2. The economy goes into a prolonged decline, which we have been experiencing for the past 7 years.
Here will be your most important assets:
Precious Metals, which you might want to sell now,
Elimination of debt,
Job Stability,
Health Insurance,
Home Equity,
Automobile with good MPG,

STAGE 3. The economy begins to collapse after a significant prolonged decline, which we are experiencing right now.
Here will be your most important assets:
Short term food supplies,
Survival know-how,
Rural property,
Small livestock- chicken, rabbit, fish...
and a bulk supply of long-term heirloom vegetable seeds.

STAGE 4. The economy collapses and the shelves go empty in one week, the government suspends the Constitution and we become a police state. This can come at any time after Stage 3. Society falls into chaos.
Here will be your most important assets:
Guns and ammo,
Survival knowledge,
Short term food supplies (1 year),
Rural hideaway or rural property,
Trained survival dog,
***Homemade water filter system
***Survival gardening method know-how
***Heirloom garden seeds for long-term food
You no longer can sell gold, you can no longer buy gasoline for your vehicle, you will be forced from your home and health care is no longer available, and of course your job is a memory. You will experience what it's like to live in a third world country at war.

STAGE 5. War between freedom fighters and government forces break out nationwide, and starvation becomes common. Government offers food and water and shelter in exchange for chip implantation and enslavement.
1. Survival skills,
2. ***My patriot gardening method so your food will never be stolen,
3. ***My homemade water filter system so you will never be thirsty,
4. ***My heirloom seeds for long term food and barter,
5. Guns and the ability to use them,
6. Survival dog,
7. Willpower.

As you can see, priorities change as the world changes. Your most prized assets- home and good credit and car and job and health care are no longer important!!!!!

If you have read this far, I respect your interest, now, stop reading and get to doing it. Of course if you still need more, check these out!!!!!!!

How To Store Seeds
This is simple, Take an empty and clean metal coffee can, throw away the plastic lid, place seed packs inside and cover top with aluminum window screen and duct tape it around the sides of the can. This will allow air to circulate, humidity will escape from seeds and bugs and mice can't enter. Keep the can in a dark and dry area, I prefer the floor of a bedroom closet. Seeds have been found in Egypt and elsewhere that have been good after more than 1,000 years!

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