Barry Sides to perform at rally against meal limits Saturday
Flying Pig recording artist Barry Sides will perform 2-4pm this Saturday at the Bo Diddley Downtown Community Plaza in Gainesville as part of a rally against meal limits, event organizers announced. “Barry is an outstanding musician who has performed with Bob Dylan, Greg Allman, George Thorogood, BB King, Bonnie Raitt and John Prine, and we’re just thrilled that he’s playing for us this Saturday,” said Joe Jackson, one of the rally’s organizers. Sides’ album “Broken Hearts, Broken Strings” was named one of the top 40 records of 2007.
The rally is being organized to protest Gainesville’s limits on shelters and churches sharing food with the needy, which impose an absolute cap on the number of meals that can be served.
“It makes no sense,” said Jackson. “Hungry people are turned away, though there is plenty of food to feed them.”
Tables will be set up for voter registration, so students and others who aren’t yet registered can vote in the upcoming City elections.
The event is completely free and open to the public, but those who wish can bring a can of food for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which serves all of Alachua County.
The event is co-sponsored by The Home Van, Veterans for Peace, C.A.R.E., The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Florida Institutional Legal Services, and the Rosa Parks Quiet Courage Committee. Persons seeking more information or who want to help with the event are asked to contact Joe Jackson at joseph.s.jackson@gmail.com.
Please join us for a FREE rally against meal limits at the Downtown Plaza on Sat. Feb. 13 from 2-4pm, and help spread the word by forwarding this email and posting the attached flier.
Gainesville limits the number of meals that St Francis House & churches can serve to the needy. Hungry people are turned away, though there is plenty of food to feed them. The City Commission’s proposed solution? Allow a ‘holiday exception’ on three days a year.
Help us tell the Commission we want a real solution: Repeal the meal limits once and for all!
Sat. Feb. 13 – Downtown Plaza – 2-4pm
MUSIC – SPEAKERS – PROTEST SONGS – VOTER REGISTRATION in time for the upcoming City elections!
TOTALLY FREE!!! but if you’d like to bring a can of food, donations accepted
Can’t make it to the rally? Send an email to the Commission at CityComm@cityofgainesville.org and tell them what you think! TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Thanks! Joe Jackson
Joseph S. Jackson, Esq.
4102 NW 19th St.
Gainesville, FL 32605
352.273.0882 (office)
352.392.2606 (fax)
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