
Dangerously organic!

I'm gonna be starting my first veggie garden as soon as we get moved in to our new house. Anybody out there have advice on how best to start? Should I go the organic garden route? What advantages have you found by going organic?

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The McRorie Community Garden is my first real garden. Organic veggies seem to taste better! I ate some carrots from the garden that were fertilized with natural fertilizer from the horse corral and you could taste the the taste of the local soil. My favorite organic veggie is lambsquarters. It grows like a weed. It tasted strong, sort of like the difference between beef and venison. Full of nutrition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambsquarter
Are you really eating this or is it a joke? I know it is edible, but I have always heard it described as an invasive weed! If so, (like purslane) I am happy to have it for dinner...
I used to get lambs quarters from "the goat guy" at the Charlottesville (VA) farmer's market in the spring time. Only available for a few weeks. I loved them sauteed.
I just had some 5 minutes ago. They are very good. And, they are packed with nutrition. That's why I can't believe they aren't eaten more frequently. Look at the link to Lambsquarters (if you have a sec) on the Reading List to the right of this page. Amazing...amazing! By the way, Sh'mal clued me in to this valuable info.
The wikipedia info that you referenced mentioned the seed of the plant. Could this be used in baking applications if dried? I use quinoa now and am about to attempt some form of bread with hemp seed. Where would someone go to get some of the seed for this purpose? I adore spinach and would probably love this, however, the wikipedia reference said it should be eaten sparingly, why? Is it stronger in flavor than kale or chard? Thanks! Alexis

Lambsquarters has a wild, strong flavor. It's like the difference between venison and beef. Wikipedia's references in the Lambsquarters article will answer your other questions.

Try some...I'll ping you next time mine are growing...I trimmed them for the Fall planting I'm about to do, but they grow like weeds and will be back soon.

I double checked wikipedia:
"The leaves and young shoots may be eaten as a leaf vegetable, either steamed in its entirety, or cooked like spinach, but should be eaten in moderation.[11] Each plant produces tens of thousands of black seeds. These are high in protein, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Quinoa is a closely related species which is grown specifically for its seeds.[12]"

I saw somewhere why moderate consumption is recommended, but can't find it now.

My Lambsquarters (Sh'mal's, really, since he passed his patch on to me when he moved to Seattle) produced lots of seeds. So, according to wikipedia, since they are similar to quinoa, you'd be set!

Let me know how it goes...and, I'll let you know when mine sprout again.
I suggest starting with your compost pile (especially since it is the middle of summer for most of us). Then you have a wonderful product to amend your soil with when you get started. Or try vermiculture, which I have been tempted to try but have not managed to do yet.



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