
Dangerously organic!

I am looking for bunching onions. I had some years ago, but lost a garden when I moved. They are a type of green onion, that grows in a bunch -- to harvest, you pull the bunch out of the ground, take one off, stick it back in the hole, and it grows a new bunch. They were just like the green onions you can buy in the grocery, although a bit more delicate. Anyone else seen these or have any? Theoretically, I just need one!

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I have some garlic chives.

They are very good. I had some with kale and collard greens tonight. You can pick some if you like. My patch is the second one from the northwest corner of the garden.

Is this the kind of onion you're looking for? Bruce has some in his patch...

That is not exactly the same onion, but I would love some of these, especially if they work the same way! They look like they do. I have, as Robert Frost said "a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing" in my garden (everything is containerized a the moment). I do have some garlic chives that I have managed to keep alive for about ten years.

Are you guys in the garden near GRU? I would trade a jar of homemade jam for some onions. :)

Bruce Lipnickas...

Yes! We're on 4th...there's a map on the Zoobird Wordpress Blog. Bruce usually shows up around 5:30-6 to water. His patch is in the SE quad and you can't miss it because it has climbing beans. Here are some other herbs he's growing.



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