
Dangerously organic!

Basil - think pad kra pow! Thai stir fry basil

This is a super quick and easy hot dish you can whip up whenever you want something fresh and filling with a little kick. The basil I grew this summer is still alive and well. Yesterday, I harvested a big bag of leaves. Lunch time rolled around today and I intended to make Thai stir fry basil, but I didn't have any celery. So, I decided to go Moroccan.

I chopped up some green pepper, white onion and heated up some olive oil. Tossed in the pepper and onion, stir fried a bit, and then put in the chickpeas. I sprinkled in a little cumin and chili powder. I added the basil last so it heated up just a little but planned to take it off the heat right away. I added some lemon juice and stirred it all up.

Moroccan Chickpeas and Basil with green pepper and onions, lemon juice, ground cumin and chili



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