
Dangerously organic!

I subscribe to a few online bike groups. Often, someone will post a bike wanted ad. This morning, I noticed a Rivendell wanted ad on the RBW Owners Bunch mailing list.


One reply pointed to an eBay listing for an Atlantis frame. I had to look.


This is it. It's a 51 cm Rivendell Atlantis, 2001 model. Well worn, according to the owner, but a beaut. Here are two shots of it all built up.

This first shot from the Rivendell www.rivbike.com website, I believe.

This one is of it all built up for off road riding.

Fuji Espree '85

I bought a 51 cm Fuji Espree recently thinking my wife would love it. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a little big for her.

Fuji Espree
The braze ons are similar to the Riv's and it's all ready to be set up for touring. So why would someone want to spend so much on a Rivendell? That's an easy question for me to answer, but I thought I'd put it out here for you all to ponder and discuss.

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