
Dangerously organic!

I just love this bike. If I my legs were a little longer it would be PERFECT! It's a blue, blue Ciocc and it's a beauty.

I got it a few years ago specifically because a friend told me he was interesting in getting into road biking. I saw it and thought it would be perfect for my friend. He never bit - I told him about it over delicious Korean food one night with our wives and for some reason there were no sparks. He hasn't even seen it!

Meanwhile, I put some photos of it up on the web and Ciocc owner Pelizzoli even saw one and commented that he liked it!

All the way from Italy!

I ride it sometimes. It's way too big for me, but I crank down the seat and it works somehow.

If you click on the photo abve, you'll go to that photo page and there's a link there to a bunch more photos of this San Cristobal. What a sweetheart. It's everything you'd expect from a Ciocc (pokerface) from Northern Italy, all handmade, and painted that rich, deep blue, combined with silky smooth Campagnolo components. 

Maybe I'll get some platform biking shoes.

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