My grinder, a Krups GVR2 burr grinder, broke this weekend. I've heard that hand grinders like the one pictured above can produce a fine, Turkish grind. What's your favorite grinder?
I got the Hario mill in the mail. The grind is not too fine. Not nearly as fine as coffee ground for me at Starbucks with their espresso grinder. The instructions are in Japanese which I cannot read (yet!), but I suspected that there was an adjustment. I found a post on Jeremy's Weblog that describes how to adjust the grind.
(photo from Jeremey's Weblog)
Thanks, Jeremey for the excellent photos and description. I can't wait to try it.
(photo from luiscerezo's blog)
Also, luiscerezo's blog described using a cordless drill to power the grinder.
Oooooh! The coarseness adjuster worked like a champ! The grind is so fine at the finest setting that, when tamped, my espresso maker doesn't build up enough pressure for the water to go through. I backed it off a little and it's going to take a few tries, I predict, to get the hang of it, but high hopes. It grinds as fine as powder.
I have a typewriter that you're going to love, Elin. Wait until I take a picture of it for you. My dad is a good typewriter repairman. He found it for me. It needs a little work, but it's going to be so nice once it's all polished up. It's a sort of miniature manual typewriter. It's about 2 inches tall and 14 inches or so wide. Maybe 10 inches deep. About the same size as a Mac. It smells pretty good, too. Been doing any writing? I am headed back to Portland in June for a conference. I've been writing for a Boulder, CO website called Elephant. Maybe the old manual typewriter will provide some energy for creative writing. Does it do that for you?
News Flash: I ordered the Hario Skelton Mill a few days ago. And, 7lb of Sledgehammer bean from Camp4Coffee Bad news: coffee beans came before the mill. However, I have a mortar and pestle. So, come morning, we'll do the old fashioned thing ad brew up some fresh bean from thin air country.
Hello Crested Butte, CO! Thanks, Al! (that's me and Al Smith, founder of Camp 4 Coffee, in the photo above)
This is how the coffee supply looked in the local health food store before I left Crested Butte a few weeks ago. So, I mail ordered some from the C4C website. Hey, it got here before the mill did. And, I smelled it on the porch all the way from my driveway. Nice!
I returned the defective Krups GVR2 and got a new Starbucks Baratza grinder. It's working fine, but not giving the impression that it wil last years and years. The button on the front is the type that wears out rather quickly, in my experience. But, reading the description on the website is enlightening.