Sh'mal, you mentioned you know a good source for manure.
The contact for guano at UF is Ken Glover. You can bring 8-10 buckets with lids. Please let him know it's for the community garden.
"Cow manure Hague dairy 538-3442 David Armstrong I went out there with Jen a couple of times; they load. They have a lot of it.
Horse manure Ten and Kris Brown. 336-6385 Kris 258-1580 Ted 4508 SE 26th St. Kinkaid Rd. I think I went there with Ellen many years ago.
Horse manure Prairie View Farms Farm Owner 941-807-2480 Tina South on 15the Ave off of Hawthrone Rd or south and east on Kinkaid
More Horse Ruth Shaeffer 372-6702
4502 SE 24th St. Always call first
KInkaid loop
Memory who I got it from good horse, most of the garden used it for years. She never called back before I left, but was always reliable 481-2026
Canterbury Stable near Newberry they load 472-6758 Wendy"
Any other good sources for organic fertilizer?
Mmmmm! That's part of what makes those veggies taste so good!