
Dangerously organic!

Hello All,

There will be a new fence installed Monday. Sorry for the late
notice. I imagine they'll use the existing fence posts and replace
the wooden sections. If you get over there today you could clear
anything away from the fence that you're attached to, or that would
make their job easier.

Also, I'd like to hear if there is anyone interested in coordinating
workdays or manure trips. The job of coordinating the plots has
increased with the amount of interested gardeners these days. I don't
want to do it all and I would really like it to be more of a community
effort. I have the manure contact info that Sh'mal sent me - I can
forward it out again if you haven't received it.

Someone brought a bunch of fencing, pots, hoses, etc. and left it by
the tool shed. Lots of useful stuff. However, the black plastic
planting pots don't seem to get used by the gardeners, so please limit
the amount of those that you leave at the garden. Organization of
that area could be on the agenda for the next workday.

Thanks, and let all know if you're interested in organizing workdays
or manure trips,


Views: 9


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