I went to the garden tonight. What a good time! So many nice things happened. I rode up at dusk and found the garden drenched in the light of the sunset. My mission tonight was simple. I wanted to pick some mint for tea. Mint is dependable. I pulled one strand of the mint, took a look around and saw that the garlic chives were thriving, as always. Troopers! Tomatoes all over the place. Meanwhile, someone visiting the garden said hi. I took a walk around and saw some old friends: the heavy pitchfork, Raggedy Anne, the hand tiller, lots of flowers, fire ants (better to know them as friends, I always say), the rooster, the owl and the others. I think we're surviving without the water timers, but it's been raining every day. It was hard during drier times without the timers. The new fence is looking more like a part of the landscape. All in all, a wonderful visit. Manana: return!