
Dangerously organic!


From: Elizabeth Howard, Project Coordinator


We have our own blog! It is still a work in progress, so check it out at http://homevanpetcareproject.blogspot.com

and let us have your comments. Our great thanks to Patricia Caplan for donating her time and talent to the creation of this blog.


Today there is an actual chill in the air … we’re refurbishing our cold weather shelters for the animals and will have a stock of hay for the homeless pet owners who want to insulate their animal shelters. Most
people, we are glad to say, bring their animals in to their tents so they keep
each other warm, but just in case we will have hay and those handy Mylar
blankets for anyone in need.


Those Pups:  We did get our share of pups … they were born in early August under a bush at WalMart where their people were sleeping in their car. We met up with them the
very next day and encouraged a visit to the St. Francis Veterinary Clinic as
well as a campsite rather than the car.  St. Francis stepped in with their
wonderful care and even visits to the campsite. Our project assisted with pet
food and contact information. The mom dog was spayed through PetSnip and we were
strongly hoping that the caretakers would allow us to put the pups into a rescue
group for adoption but they have refused. That’s a disappointment for us and, we
believe, a risk for the pups. It’s difficult for me to write or speak of these
situations so I will just say that we have done our best and we will try to keep
the lines of communication open, for the sake of the animals.


Home for One Kitty:  Our little orange boy kitty from Melrose has a home and is safe. He is one of several kitties that we took to PetSnip for neuter and vaccinations. We
wish him the best in his new life.


Wild ones: We also trapped and took to PetSnip three of the kitties who were left in Tent City by their wild mama. That mom is a legend … she is like a shadow and is one of those females who are difficult to find for
spay … at least this time the babies won’t have babies and they are being


Medical Foster Needed:

Boots the Cat and the Tent City Tribe: Our own colony, the Tent City Tribe, all long-time spayed and neutered, are well and are exploring the fresh hay and clean shelters. We are still concerned about Boots, who has
rather severe hair loss. We suspect ringworm and have a lot of info about it. A
culture to be sure takes 10 days.If you want to take in Boots, with potential
vet care need, please let us know. At this time, he seems to be responding to
herbal remedies and nutritional supplements. He is a sweet and rather tame kitty
who could move right into foster and permanent home. We will also accept special
donations for our medical care fund and we will fund his medical expenses if you
can take him in. Please call Elizabeth at 352-473-9423 for more info.


Hard Times: Over the last few weeks at pet food distribution times we notice that people who ordinarily provide their own pet food are coming to us for help. Those “odd jobs” and “day labor” situations have dried up, and
no one is buying those craft and other items that homeless friends sometimes
have for sale. Several new people have also turned up, seeking food for their
pets. We are glad to help, but this increases our need for pet food.


Besides that … with cold weather on the way, we like to be sure all have plenty to eat. And then too, the holidays … may all be fed, so please remember the animals and help us keep up our pet food pantry.


We always need bags of cat food and dog food as well as canned fishy-type cat food. Call 352-473-9423 to arrange for pick up or drop off. Financial donations to Home Van Pet Care Project should be made payable to
St. Vincent DePaul Society, earmarked for Home Van Pet Care, and mailed to P.O.
Box 14305, Gainesville FL 32604. Contact coordinator Elizabeth Howard at
352-473-9423 or cell 352-359-5712,
holisticliz@hotmail.com for more



HV Pet Care News October 2010.docx

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