
Dangerously organic!

I love salsa verde. You know, green sauce. Being of the Southwest US persuasion, and some people call me Miguelito to boot, it's just a part of my blood. So, here in the Swamp, I get these cravings for Tex Mex, Latino, Southwest fare, call it what you like, these little boogers are what you need to make the sauce you and I love.

How do you do it? Acquire some tomatillos. That ideally would originate in your garden, but I notice them at every grocery store I visit. They taste like a mixture between a mild pepper, a lime or lemon and a tomato.

Next, get some onion, some cilantro, lime juice, sugar and salt. Grab some of your favorito peppers. Put it all in a blender, mortar and pestle or a mighty bowl and grind it all up. Hay caramba! It's so good, you'll slap your ass and call it Sally...

(It's Friday. Forgive me...)

I know this sounds simple. But, it's not rocket science. It's just something you might not have the first clue how to do, like me. Once you've made it for the first time, you can begin refining it. And, that's what takes some finesse. It's a lot like tortillas. No biggie. They're these corn or flour things you don't pay much attention to. You might not even be sure whether you like corn or flour tortillas. But, soon as you start eating them, you'll know.

I like flour tortillas wrapped around smoking hot fajitas (skirt steak). I like putting sauteed peppers, onions, guacamole, and guess what? I love putting salsa verde in it. They even make tortilla warmers, if you must know. And, yes, they also rock the free world. This whole subject makes me hungry.

It also reminds me of a recent trip my hombre amigo Chris and I took to Big Bend, deep in the heart of my homeland, Texas. We drove out thar, as they say, and parked it right up in a campsite with a view to die for...

Big Bend

There's what I was thinking of, above. Luna's Jackal.

Big Bend

You better believe old Luna made some salsa verde. Maybe he had some tortillas? Ya think? Tortilla warmers? Maybe not. Definitely no electricity. I'm guessing he had a mortar and pestle.

Big Bend

There's Luna. He had a great life. The desert in Southwest Texas is beautiful, rugged and gave Luna all the character you see in his face. Now, remind yourself, this man was around at a time cameras were around, so it wasn't really that long ago. He chose the life he led.

That camping trip, my friends, was an experience I am ready to do again. Just about every Friday I think about it. If you care to relive some of it with me, a compulsive photographer, just click here, take a big scoop of salsa verde with a stalk of celery or something, and browse my pictures. It was one big time. TGIF!

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