
Dangerously organic!

TGIF! I'm thinking about springtime in Crested Butte for some reason. This is one of my all time favorite photos. I took it on Elk Avenue in bustling downtown CB. 
There was one year I drove to Colorado 5 times. I have a habit of going back to places I love. I've never been to WY, ID, MT, or even UT. I'd like to do the national parks tour there. Meanwhile, possibility is this weekend, at least Saturday night may do some camping in Wekiva Springs, Alexander Springs Recreation Area, or Hannah Park. It's that kind of weekend. I like Hannah Park because it's so close to the beach. http://www.north-florida-family-fun-guide.com/hanna-park.ht…


Here's another favorite photo. I took it at Yosemite a couple of years ago. It's amazing what you can do these days with an iPhone! See the people on the right? This was just lucky timing. I took the Yosemite day tour from San Francisco departing from the Green Tortoise Hostel San Francisco early in the morning. It was a long drive but totally worth it. https://www.flickr.com/…/8292947…/in/photolist-dCPwqW-cWBx9o

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