
Dangerously organic!

Hi all,

Below is a nice Spicy Spinach recipe.

I accidentally messaged everyone.

My apologies.

Peace :)

Spicy Spinach

Another easy-to-prepare, yet delicious dish. I am the lucky person who got to eat it, but didn't have to do the cooking :)

The original recipe is an adaptation of the Spicy Spinach recipe in 101 Cookbooks.

1 big carton of baby spinach
Sunflower Oil or Ghee
Cumin Seeds
Red pepper flakes
Lemon juice
Mint leaves

  1. Clean and dice the leeks into 1 inch long pieces
  2. Heat up the Sunflower oil in a pan; sauté the leeks, until silky tender
  3. Add the cumin, turmeric, and oregano, to the leeks and sauté with the leeks
  4. Add the red pepper flakes (spice it up as much as you like)
  5. Top with Feta cheese and walnuts
  6. Add the Mint leaves
  7. Stir it all together
  8. Add salt to taste
Bon appétit :)

Views: 72

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Thanks, Chandra. The combination f mint and cumin, turmeric, oregano and red pepper sounds delicious!



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