
Dangerously organic!

I got my first Thai facial massage and what an experience the 10 minutes were! Daniel, of Shen Massage, was the therapist. The experience was 10 minutes of ... words really fail me. But, I will try. There are muscles in your face that like massage just like the muscles in your back, shoulders, etc. So, when someone like Daniel gives a Thai facial massage, you feel great! I don't know what about it was Thai. And, I really don't put researching it high on my priority list. However, the 10 minutes seemed like a half hour. He used some essential oil, myrrh I think. It was only 10 EU. Soothing music played in the background, which happened to be (get this) an airport! How could it be relaxing to get a massage in the middle of a lobby of a busy airport? I would have never believed it. But, I swear to you, it was worth flying back to Edinburgh for!

My two cents.

Any experience in our Zoobird MBS group about Thai facial massage?

I have sent an invitation to Daniel of Shen Massage top join this group. I hope he shows up so we can learn more about this amazing technique.

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