Chicken Zoo

Howdy, Zoobird urban chicken enthusiasts! This is a group for you to congregate and talk about all things urban chicken related!

And of course, we say to you "buckaa!"
  • Jose Baranenko

    I love theese ideas, how great is to raise and grow your own food. A+. I am looking for the perfect house to start all my farmer dreams. i have a liitler balconi where i have few plants, Venezuelan peppers, Mango, avocado, mini sweet peppers, different herbs. I can't wait to start raising chicken, goats, quails, etc.

  • Michael Levin

    Jose, There's a movement in Orlando and surrounding areas right now that aims to encourage keeping chickens at home. Here's a bit of press about it:

    "Orlando city officials are considering a pilot program that would allow people to keep chickens in their backyards.

    The idea was proposed after the city received several requests from residents wanting to install chicken coops in their backyards. Residents say the move would promote the city's "Green Works" initiative.

    If the program is approved, the resident will have to apply at City Hall. At first, only 24 people will be chosen to participate once they have completed a class on how to care for chickens. If the pilot program is a success, officials say they may consider allowing more people to participate." (WFTV

    Wow, Venezuelan peppers! Mangos! I had no idea you could grow mangos on a porch! I am inspired...