Natural Care of Dogs

A place to ask questions and share information about the care of man's 'best friend' using more natural methods.
  • Dotty

    I'd love to have you share your natural remedy for mosquito repellant for the dogs. I don't remember what you used, but do remember, it worked!
  • Patricia Bradley

    Thanks for posting Mike, very cool -- and hopefully will reduce the # of strays in the pound. Maybe these will talk someday :-) like in the movie 'UP'. - not sure if anyone has seen the trailer for it on TV, but I love the part where the dog wears a voice box - very funny. See link here
  • Jennifer

    Bed Buddies :)

  • Patricia Bradley

    Welcome Jennifer and great pic of the 'bed buddies'!
  • Patricia Bradley

    Hi Layla,
    The obvious thing is to take your lab to the vet to ensure there is no underlying issues i.e. ruptured ear drum, yeast infection, etc. and if no underlying issue and it is a yeast infection you may want to first use their prescription. This prescription will work at first, then if your dog get's it back then you need to look at a couple of things:
    a) is your dog in the water a lot - if so then it is important in floppy ear dogs to dry the ears after a swim. There are some good holistic drying ear agents for dogs - can't put my finger on them right now, but will post once I do. I'm sure there are also homemade drying agents but again will post when I locate them.
    b) does you dog eat food high in corn/corn gluten and/or grain - last I looked Science Diet's first ingredient was corn. Basically grocery food store is junk. The big box dog stores are getting a little better, but the better foods are normally are found at the small individually owned pet stores, where they sell high quality (and yes more expensive) pet foods. You can also find these foods online.

    I am working on a natural dog website which when completed will have more detail on Foods/Ingredients etc.

    Anyways, back to the question you asked the following is what I use as maintenance. They are on a raw diet, no grain so I don't have to worry about that.
    Here is the link to the cleaner/treatment that I use - no affiliation or money made.

    As with anything do a spot test to ensure your lab is not allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • Patricia Bradley

    hmmm looks like my link to what I use for ear maintenance didn't work - let me try again

    by the way excuse my grammatical errors below - I was in a hurry
  • Patricia Bradley

    Hi Layla,
    I get it - I had a dog with constant allergy eye infections and itchy feet, finally gave up on vets, changed his diet and built up his immune system.

    You did not mention what you feed your lab. Believe it or not this could have a huge influence on the underlying problem. Now I have not tried it, because I never had to as I had great success with this but have heard great reports for many years about 'Blue Power Treatment'. Do a Google search on this and you will get the recipe for that. Obviously do research on it first, but let me know if you have success with.
  • Stacy Trist

    Hi, I wanted to know if there was anything natural to use for the prevention of heartworm. Would love to know the natural mosquito repellant remedy...