Community Supported Agriculture Zoo

What is community supported agriculture (CSA)? CSA's are farms that operate on the community's promise to support them, sharing the risks.

What is Community Supported Agriculture?

Before we begin, please set the tone by clicking on this music video* and smile while you read this, because it's going to make you feel good!

What is community supported agriculture (CSA)? CSA's are farms that operate on the community's promise to support them, sharing the risks. Magnolia Farms is an example of a CSA in Florida.

The system is simple. You, in the community, promise to participate by buying a share of the production of the farm in advance. The CSA, Magnolia Farms in this example, plants produce and raises livestock with this commitment in mind.

There are distribution channels in the form of pick up points or you can come to the farm to get your share, in Magnolia Farm's case weekly. By the way, Magnolia Farms is taking orders now for the upcoming season. Mike and Darlene McElwee are the proprietors. They are members of our Zoobird community, and we're very proud to have them here.

You like that idea? I thought you would. Zoobird is all about this sort of interweaving of organics in community. It's dangerously organic! That's because the more you know about organic lifestyles, the more you risk leaving your old ways behind...enjoy! And, stay tuned for the upcoming Community Supported Agriculture in the Zoobird community.

*Thanks to Marko Stanković in Belgrade, Serbia for bringing us this music "La Flaca - Jarabe de palo".

La Flaca

En la vida conoci mujer igual a la flaca
coral negro de la Habana, tremendisima mulata
Cien libras de piel y hueso, cuarenta kilos de Salsa,
Y en la cara dos soles que sin palabras hablan
que sin palabras hablan

La flaca duerme de dia, dice que asi el hambre engaña,
cuando cae la noche baja a bailar a la tasca.
Y bailar y bailar, y tomar y tomar
una cerveza tras otra pero ella nunca engorda...
pero ella nunca engorda

Por un beso de la flaca daria lo que fuera
por un beso de ella, aunque solo uno fuera
por un beso de la flaca daria lo que lo que fuera
por un beso... de ella aunque solo uno fuera
aunque solo uno fuera

Mojé mis sabanas blancas, como dice la canción
Recordando las caricias que me brindó el primer día,
Y enloquezco de ganas de dormir a su ladito,
Porque Dios que esta flaca a mi me tiene loquito,
O-oh, a mi me tiene loquito

Por un beso de la flaca yo daria lo que fuera
por un beso de ella, aunque solo uno fuera
por un beso de la flaca yo daria lo que lo que fuera
por un beso... de ella aunque solo uno fuera
aunque solo uno fuera...

aunque solo uno fuera...

aunque solo uno fuera...

aunque solo uno fuera...

In English:

The Skinny one In the life conoci equal woman to the skinny one black chorale of Havana, tremendisima mulata One hundred pounds of skin and bone, forty kilos of Sauce, and in the face two suns that without words speak that without words they speak The skinny one duer to me by day, says that therefore the hunger deceives, when the low night falls to dance to tasca. And to dance and to dance, and to take and to take a beer after another one but she never gets fat… but it never gets fat By a kiss of skinny daria what outside by a kiss of her, although one only was by a kiss of skinny daria what what outside by a kiss… of her although one only was although one only was I wet my white savannahs, as it says the song Remembering the caresses that the first day offered me, and I drive crazy of desire to sleep to his ladito, Because God that this skinny one has loquito to me, O-oh, has loquito to me By a kiss of skinny I daria what outside by a kiss of her, although one only was by a kiss of skinny I daria what what outside by a kiss… of her although one only was although one only was… although one only was… although one only was… although one only was…