Frank Cook's World

Frank Cook was a botanist who spent his life learning about nature and teaching. He's no longer with us but his legacy and body of work lives on, fortunately! Join us and take a look at the wonderful world he's created for us that describes the nature surrounding us, that we're woven in with. 

  • Marc Williams

    Thanks for starting this Michael! Hope to contribute more as time allows. Cheers, marc

  • Michael Levin

    Well, you and Mycol are the inspiration, Marc. I did a little digging and found Frank's website and lots of videos. So, that's enough to get a little dialog going here. Hope to see you at the Hostel in the Forest...lots of stories to tell, my friend.

  • Lars Andersen

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the invitation to this "Frank Cook's World" group. As you know, this is right up my alley. I would have liked to have known him. I just checked out one of his videos you posted. Very interesting. He discusses many of the same kinds of things I discuss with my groups on the river trips. Although everybody and every group has different levels of interest in this kind of info, but most enjoy hearing plant lore to some extent. Some like to hear it the whole way down the river! I'll be checking out more of those videos as time allows. Thanks again. Lars