mycol stevens


gainesville, fl

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Sustainable Lifestyles, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
deep ecology, permaculture, ethnobotany, mycology, primitive skills, and of course music
Do you have a website?
http://look on facebook mycol stevens
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
liven learnin creatin workin lovin sharin bein tripn connectin drumn guitarn gardenin foragen grinnin appreciatin.

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Hi Mycol,

    I'm so glad you're here! All I can say is thanks for the friendship. Enjoy!

    PS - Click on the photo below to see more pix from the Fall Harvest Fest

  • tittiger

    I heard it rumored that you have some land. I am looking for a farm to work on if you have any openings.

  • Ellen Bush

    Hi, You sound like a very interesting person. I'd like to hear more about permaculture, ethnobotany & mycology. All of your interest sound intreging. I'd like to invite you to join my new group, Environmental Zoo where you can express your concerns, solutions, ideas, questions or anything else you'd like to share. See you there.
  • Michael Levin

    I may be in town today. Santiago on Th! Solstice, solstice, solstice!