Saroj Earl


High Springs, FL

United States

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Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Alternative Energy
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Birth & babies

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Hi Saroj and welcome to Zoobird! All the best, Mike
  • Saroj Earl

    Here I am, not that I needed another social network; or at least I didn't think I did. I wonder if we've met. You look familiar (but then who doesn't when you live in this area where there's just one degree of separation) Saw the kombucha video. She says if you're using vinegar, it's not necessary to add the tea starter from your last batch. I say if you're using tea starter from the last batch, why use vinegar? I make the best kombucha I've ever tasted using yerba mate.
  • Michael Levin

    Hi Saroj, Wow! I love mate! I wanted to try getting my own batch of kombucha going today. Can I use a liter pop bottle since I don't have a glass jar? We really should be talking about this in the "How to Make Kombucha" discussion in the Camillia Sinensis group...see ya there! Enjoy, Mike PS I meant to give you a welcome gift from my local McRorie community garden, an urban mandala:

  • Saroj Earl

    Cool mandala. What fun! Thanks, Mike. I'll get over to the kombucha discussion sometime this weekend. But since you're starting a batch today, I can't help you with how to use a liter pop bottle with a little narrow neck. I use the wide mouth gallon jug. Is the pop bottle plastic? Do you have tiny, quarter-size starter cultures (scoby)? When I have a finished batch, I'll sometimes transfer to soda bottles with caps to maintain the fizz but I've never actually did the fermentation in a soda bottle.
  • Saroj Earl

    You can get gallon wide-mouth glass bottles from restaurants (pickles, relish, etc unless everything is plastic now). If you have trouble, you can find glass ones with spouts at department stores like Walmart (unless that's a seasonal picnic items and they're not in the stores in the middle of winter). If you can't find, I probably have a few extra in my attic and could somehow get a loaner to you.
  • Michael Levin

    Hi Saroj! Well, today I am headed to our local Ward's grocers and the natural foods guy, WJ is bringing me a scoby. He's experimented with all sorts of tea and is filling me in on what he's learned. Carla also has experience making kombucha. So, it's only a mater of time before I get my own batch going.
  • Sh'mal Ellenberg

    Hey Saroji, we can communicate in still another venue. Good to have you as part of this web site, blogsphere. Mike has been working hard, maybe not hard, very creatively in deveoping this site. A lot goes on here, more than I'm able to keep up with, but I appreciate the sharing that does go on. Not sure what I wanted to share with you except was thinking of how much I care about you and I hope all is well, the weather warming up and soon you'll be gardening. Mine was totally frozen back to the ground all except collards and some kale. The kale is a multi generational kind I dug last spring from a friends garden after snow and ice buried it for days. It thrived and put on many kaleitos that somehow seem to have made it through the freezes. Love you, Sh'mal
  • Saroj Earl

    Helllo Sh'mal... Was just outside cleaning up my garden from the freeze, pulling the leaves that got bitten off. Now the plants look like they're just getting started. The weather is looking good for as far out as the online forecast can tell me. Sure there's still lots of cold ahead but this week anyway, we're in the 70's!

    Got another project going, finally reclaiming Kami's bedroom. Putting her childhood away. Kinda sad for me. Though I've used her room for meditation & yoga since she went of to school in 04, today I'm painting over her sponge-painted surf and hanging pictures of my master and deities. Wanting to get a rush from it but nostalgia is ruling over festivity.

    I joined just to keep up with your writing but haven't found time yet to get beyond The Ganga Boogie Band. Fun!
    Back to painting...
  • Michael Levin

    Wow, well then I want to hear how you do it. I didn't get ahold of WJ today, so I am all ears.
  • Saroj Earl

    How many will you be making for? For enough kombucha for one, if you use the system I use, you'll need three gallon jugs; a gallon jug for the fermentation, a gallon jug for the finished tea (I use one with a spout that I can keep in the frig - keeping the spout closed keeps it fizzy for awhile - still tastes wonderful even w/o the fizz, or you can pour the finished kombucha into empty soda bottles and keep the bottles capped to maintain the fizz), and a third gallon jug to keep the stack of scoby - it's hard to find homes for them, no one really wants to hassle with it. And you'll need some cheesecloth. And whatever tea you should decide to use. Long ago when I started doing this, I was told to only use black tea which I did for years; somewhere along the way I began using green tea which made a fine kombucha and a few years ago I started using yerba mate and it's so good. I use organic cane sugar. I composted a gallon of scoby about a month ago but I've collected a few since. In the cold months, the scoby doesn't get as thick. If you need, I can supply a scoby and some starter kombucha. Let me know when you're ready.

    I can't figure out how to post a profile pic.
  • Michael Levin

    To upload a profile photo click "settings" and you'll see the upload photo button immediately. It's on the right hand column of the Zoobird homepage, just below the inbox.

    Thanks for the further info! This is an adventure....
  • Saroj Earl

    Finding the upload photo button hasn't been the problem; the button seems to be the problem. More than likely, my nontech brain is the real problem.
  • Michael Levin

    I tried some of this yesterday - one strawberry and one "super greens". They were so good! I will be brewing soon. Went perfectly with the fresh radish and collard green Kenyan style. Got the recipe from my Ethnic Vegetatian Recipes book! Have you seen my post on it? Lok here. I spruced it up with some Jamaican Yellow Curry....
  • Michael Levin

    First batch of K is fermenting! I used gunpowder te vert. I can't wait to taste it! Thanks for all the tips. I want to know how SCOBY babies are born. Is it better to take it out when it's 8-10 days old or will it be better the longer it ferments? Will the alcohol content increase if more sugar is added? Did you have any luck nodding your profile photo?
  • Saroj Earl

    I did try to upload a profile photo once more, unsuccessfully, but I haven't had time to mess with it.

    Congratulations & good luck with your first batch of kombucha. I'm certain you'll be enjoying your own fresh delicious brew when it's ready. Sorry, I don't know the science of kombucha. And I haven't experimented with length of time for fermentation. I consistently go from new moon to full moon or full moon to new moon, but I've seen that in the warm weather, the babies are much thicker and the taste is a little more vinegary so I often shorten the fermentation by a day or two in summer and lengthen when the winter is colder. I consistently use about 1-1/2 cups of organic cane sugar, haven't experimented with different sugars or amounts. I haven't tried adding fruit juices either. Oh, and I've never refrigerated a scoby. I had never heard that. Let me know if you learn more on that. I consistently get a kombucha that tastes similar to champagne to me.
  • Michael Levin

    Hi Saroj,

    You'll get it this time! Here's detailed instructions on how to change your profile photo:

    1) Click the Settings link (it's on the right hand side of this page, under Inbox, Alerts and Friends), and then you will see the My Settings page.

    2) Click the Browse button on this page, the My Settings page. You see the Photo line and the photo next to it? That's the generic photo I assign to everyone when they first sign up to Zoobird. Next to it, there is a text box that you can type in a file location for your profile photo if you know it. It might be c:\photos\Saroj.jpg if you're using Windows. Next to that are the words "Upload a Photo (GIF, JPG or PNG; limit 10MB)" And, next to that is a button labeled "Browse". That's what you lick to enter your Windows Explorer or Finder (if you're on a Mac) to find your profile on your hard drive. Once you find it, you can click on the photo's name to select it and go to the bottom of the page and click the button called "Open" to select it. Or, you can double click on the filename of your photo and that will do the same thing and select it.

    3) Then scroll down your My Settings page and look on the lower right of the page You'll see a button labeled "Save". You'll save your new profile photo when you click that "Save" button!

    In brief, to change your profile photo, you go to Settings, upload the photo and save it! That's it!

    Let's continue our kombucha discussion here, in the Camillia Sinensis group, in the How to Make Kombucha discussion, so everyone can see what we're saying about brewing kombucha.
  • Saroj Earl

    Voila! It was the save button I was missing. Can I make an adjustment with the photo? I do have a forehead. And when I see the photo on My Page, the pixels look off.

    I guess you see I finally posted on the Kombucha discussion.
  • Michael Levin

    Yay! Yes, Saroj - you can make an adjustment on yourphoto, but the way to do it is to open it in an editor and crop it. If you send it to me, I can do it for you. Now you know how to upload photos (hint) of things like your kombucha process, etc...