Tim Kinney


Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Sustainable Lifestyles, Bicycles, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
local agriculture and nutrition
Would you like to share your Reading List with us? Just name a few or as many as you like here. Websites are great, too!
Pillars of the Earth- Ken Follett
The Kid Who Climbed Everest- Bear Grylls
Broke- Glen Beck
The Custom Bicycle- Michael J. Kolin
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
Classic Jack of All Trades, Master of None.
Short Attention Span.

Comment Wall:

  • Anjuli Vivian Atwal

    Welcome to Zoobird! Take a look around the site and get to know your coomunity. There are some groups that might interest you. Feel free to upload a picture whenever you get a chance.

    Best Wishes,
