Hi Susan! I flew back to Florida last night. Thanks for being such a great host at teh Seaside, OR Hostel. How did the Ham Radio meeting go? I've got photos of the garden, both on by the river and the Seaside Community Garden that I'll post soon. Please invite Kimberly, Hannah, Trung and the others to join Zoobird. We can write up the Seaside Hostel in the Travelin' Zoo. You can click on the photo below to see more like it... All the best, Mike
Hi Susan! Merry Christmas! Hey, hope all is going well. Where are you these days? How's the hamming going? You know, I got the Ciocc bike I got for XMAS from a guy who is a ham! So, I thought of you. I have my FT416 Yaesu 2M rig out and will check out the repeaters here in Gainesville right after this run and a bike ride to the garden. Catch me up, and 73 - de WB5GYF, Mike Levin
Michael Levin
Jun 28, 2009
Michael Levin
Dec 25, 2009