Seth Sovak


Louisville, CO

United States

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Organic Gardening, Sustainable Lifestyles, Helping others, Alternative Energy
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Urban Homesteading

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  • Michael Levin

    Nice photos! When you blog on your page, it winds up row one, col one on the homepage, just like a newspaper. It's fine to crosspost and put your posts in Groups as Discussions. When you post a Discussion to a Group, every member gets an email alerting them about the new post. /Mike
  • Michael Levin

    Seth, It's so hard to choose these mandalas for gifts, but I feel sure you'll like this one:

    The city just put up a new fence around McRorie Community Garden and the mandalas have disappeared. I am so glad I took photos of them...and, I hope they reappear.
  • Michael Levin

    Seth, I love Colorado so much that I bought a house there in '89. Click on the photo to see the rest. I had been camping in the mountains and needed a break. Drove to the closest town, Canon City and found this house for sale. I put the down payment on a credit card! That was during the downturn, after Coke moved out of state. I was still in grad school. I rented the house out for years, hoping someday to move to CO. But, I moved to Europe instead and finally wound up selling 731 College. But, one can hope...someday! In fact, I recently visited Crestone after meeting someone at the hostel in Portland, OR who told me he bought 8 acres there really cheap. We'll see...glad you like the mandala. I hope you write some stuff about urban homesteading and friend some folk. Best, Mike