Serena Smyle


Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Helping others, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
I was wondering if the free yoga is still going?
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
I'm originally from Key Largo, Fl but raised mostly in north central Florida. I live with 2 girlfriends and I am 14 weeks pregnant.

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Hi Serena and welcome to Zoobird. What an exciting time for you with the pregnancy. I am happy you joined. I hope you find some groups that interest you. Most of all, I hope you contribute to the community by blogging, posting and responding to discussions and enjoying the ability to upload media like (links to) photos, videos, music, etc. I know you'll find some interesting content and I aim that it's interesting daily. I haven't checked the free yoga lately, but I'll try to find out whether it's still going. If you find out before I do, please let me know. Here's a welcome gift from the local community garden: an urban mandala. All the best, Michael

  • Michael Levin

    Serena, Thanks for the link to I'll add it to the Zoobird reading list. I do that using And, I tag the saved link with tags that add it to the reading list for Zoobird's groups. For example, I will tag with the word "caring" and that will make the link show up in the Caring Zoobirds group.  I'm excited to hear that you're going to check out the free yoga. Hope it's still going on! Best, M