The Runtime Debugger (Cordbg.exe) helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime. This tool uses the runtime Debug API to provide debugging services.
Are you a programmer? If you are not then you really don't want to debug any applications. Debugging takes a long time and does not provide any useful information for no programmers. When media center turns black and a flickering arrow for the mouse happens is this before or after you get the debug and iexplorer errors?
Hi Loretta, One of my best friends when I was a teen was named Loretta. We lived in Benton, Arkansas area. I'd love to hear more of your interests in mind-body-spirit which is my main interest on here. I'd love for you to become my friend on this site and to join the group I started, Environmental Zoo. See you there?
The Runtime Debugger (Cordbg.exe) helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime. This tool uses the runtime Debug API to provide debugging services.
Are you a programmer? If you are not then you really don't want to debug any applications. Debugging takes a long time and does not provide any useful information for no programmers. When media center turns black and a flickering arrow for the mouse happens is this before or after you get the debug and iexplorer errors?
Aug 24, 2008
Michael Levin
Just so you know, all's well here. Tropical Storm Fay was pretty minor for us...at least in my neck of the woods. Thanks!
PS - Love the new profile pic!
Aug 25, 2008
Ellen Bush
Jan 20, 2009