Carol Ann Brooks

78, Female

Melrose, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Bicycles, Helping others, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
Folk dancing, painting, puppetry.
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
A garden is where I feel most at home. It is my spiritual sanctuary.
I've already met some very nice, friendly people at the McRorie Garden and, since I just moved to Gainesville, I'm grateful for that.
I'm going to be away for two to three weeks until my apartment is ready. Can someone water my garden ocasionally? I'll be happy to water for people when they are away. My plot is next to Mike's with the turtle mosaic on the fence. Looking forward to meeting you all.

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  • Michael Levin

    Hi Carol! I was just thinking of you. Great to hear from you. I wondered where you went. The garden is thriving. I'm out of town a lot, too. But, there are still healthy plants growing. The garden as a whole looks fantastic. It underwent a big weeding session after the hot summer. Have you found a local garden? Best, Mike
  • Michael Levin

    Mornin' Carol, Your garden signs have held up well since you left. The McRorie Community Garden group would be the place for a notice about your signs. I can start a discussion there for you. Or, you can do it yourself! People can contact you via your Zoobird email. Voila! I think it has potential...Best, Mike
  • Michael Levin

    Hi Carol, How's it going? Your signs are still looking good. The "Hoping all your Weeds are Wildflowers one is near the tool tower. And, the Loofa one is near your old patch. I've divided mine into 4 parts because one huge patch was too much for me. I may go today and do some prep work for Feb, since planting time is soon upon us. Catch me up! Oh, and you might want to join the McRorie group here: - I'll dent you an invitation. Can you post a photo of your garden? How's the apartment garden working out? I bet there's room for you to come back to McRorie. All the best, Michael