Hi, I just now read your poem and I love it! I used to write some poetry but haven't tried any lately . My sister is the poet and she is a published poet. You should try that. I'm sure you could be published. I just had the boys lessons today and we had fun as usual. Blessings.
Hi, Thanks for sharing your poem with me. I always enjoy others creative works. Creativity is a wonderful gift from God! I haven't been on here in a long time as I have other things going on in my life at the moment plus two recitals!
Lois, last night I heard a interview with the reporter who wrote the book. He talked so passionately about his relationship with the homeless two stringer violin player and how he helped the man get back a bit of his life. He said the violin payer calls him almost every morning to see how he is. I related to all the reporter was saying about the difficulty of helping some of the homeless along. I worked with 15 mentally ill homeless for a year, besides the volunteer work i did for four years in Gainesville. Thanks for the tip, I'll try and get to see the movie. Sh'mal
Ellen Bush
Jan 21, 2009
Ellen Bush
Apr 19, 2009
Sh'mal Ellenberg
Apr 25, 2009