Hi-What a nice surprise to come to my computer and find that you have joined my new group, Environmental Zoo. You have some very awesome photographs. I've also invited you to be my friend on this site. I'd love to hear more about how you'd like to make the earth a better place and how your improving yourself in the process. Is your livlihood Photography? I agree with you that Mike is a great guy! I teach his sisters children piano.
Hi Jimmy, Good hearing from you. Well, the travel bug is contagious. I spent the weekend researching Ecuador and Galapagos, Taos, Santiago, Guatamala and haven't decided yet. I'm leaning towards Guatamala because we're working with a week. So, where are you considering? Love those pictures you posted! Have you noticed the Portland Hostel folks here? I need to start a group just for us...
Michael Levin
Welcome to Zoobird. Hope you like it here. You may find some names you recognise!
Talk to you soon,
Sep 25, 2008
Ellen Bush
Dec 14, 2008
Michael Levin
Hi Jimmy, Good hearing from you. Well, the travel bug is contagious. I spent the weekend researching Ecuador and Galapagos, Taos, Santiago, Guatamala and haven't decided yet. I'm leaning towards Guatamala because we're working with a week. So, where are you considering? Love those pictures you posted! Have you noticed the Portland Hostel folks here? I need to start a group just for us...
Dec 14, 2008