Hi Donna-Lou, I see your new to Zoobird and want to give you a very warm welcome this morning! I would like to know more about your interest in mind-body-spirit as that is my main interest as well. I would also like to invite you to become my friend and to join my new group on this site, Environmental Zoo, where you may share your concerns, solutions, ideas, and anything else you'd like to share. See you there?
Just like you, I'm still learning how to get around Zoobird. When you post a message all members can see it. I did not develop this group, it's Michael Levin's group - he sold me my wonderful bike (I call it a designer bike) and lives in my community. I did start-up the Natural Dog Care group which I invited you to, as I know you are considering getting another boxer down the road. So navigate across the top and click on Groups (right beside Forums) and look for my natural dog care group (picture of Levi is beside it). After the holidays I will add more content. Hope everyone's holidays are wonderful!...and DL hope to see you in 2009.
Michael Levin
Dec 23, 2008
Ellen Bush
Dec 26, 2008
Patricia Bradley
Just like you, I'm still learning how to get around Zoobird. When you post a message all members can see it. I did not develop this group, it's Michael Levin's group - he sold me my wonderful bike (I call it a designer bike) and lives in my community. I did start-up the Natural Dog Care group which I invited you to, as I know you are considering getting another boxer down the road. So navigate across the top and click on Groups (right beside Forums) and look for my natural dog care group (picture of Levi is beside it). After the holidays I will add more content. Hope everyone's holidays are wonderful!...and DL hope to see you in 2009.
Dec 27, 2008