Hi Vaisnavi! Great to hear from you. Yes, the news about Galapagos is terrible. I think awareness and openness about the fragile ecology there is the only hope for those of us who are far away but who care. I mentioned it to my friend who just went to Ecuador. I was in Portland Oregon last week and Greenpeace staged a protest about Shell's oil exploration efforts in Alaska that drew worldwide attention. Did you hear about it?
As for photos, I looked at your Facebook page and loved the Ecuador photos you posted. I've sent Zoobird invitations to all our friends from the Galapagos trip. Maybe we'll see more photos and all keep in touch.
I mentioned your question about electives. I'll let you know what I hear.
Hi Vaisnavi, We saw Martin and Carmel this weekend and I mentioned you to them. We should all plan a vacation again! How is school going?
As for Ecuador, one of the comments in the Guardian article points to this video which presents a different view of the protests than the Guardian article. It's a difficult situation whichever story is true.
Michael Levin
As for photos, I looked at your Facebook page and loved the Ecuador photos you posted. I've sent Zoobird invitations to all our friends from the Galapagos trip. Maybe we'll see more photos and all keep in touch.
I mentioned your question about electives. I'll let you know what I hear.
Aug 14, 2015
Michael Levin
Aug 19, 2015
Michael Levin
Hi Vaisnavi, We saw Martin and Carmel this weekend and I mentioned you to them. We should all plan a vacation again! How is school going?
As for Ecuador, one of the comments in the Guardian article points to this video which presents a different view of the protests than the Guardian article. It's a difficult situation whichever story is true.
Aug 24, 2015