Hi Elizabeth and welcome to Zoobird. I hope you find content here that interests you. There are certainly folks whose primary mission concerns the topics you've pointed out as your interests. Please join some groups, start or reply to discussions and reach out to 'friend' people. You'll see the activity accumulate in the Activity Log daily, so it's easy to keep up with what's new. You can blog from your homepage and it will wind up front page, first left column, just like a newspaper. The Zoobird Reading List on the homepage and each of the Groups has new links constantly. Enjoy, and here's a little gift from the McRorie Community Garden: an urban mandala.
Dear Elizabeth, You said "What is McRorie? I'm new to town. I've spent over an hour on the web trying to find info on the home van and how to volunteer. Now I've found Arupa's page but I'm still not finding out how to volunteer nor do I see the link for the newsletter. Hmmmm Any suggestions???"
McRorie is a community garden in Gainesville. It inspired me to start this community because it's so special, both in what it produces and the community that comprises it. Look in the Groups here and you'll see the McRorie Community Gardener's Group. You'll find everything you want to know and how to contact folks there, too. The Caring Zoobirds group is all about helping others with lots of Home Van and related newsletters. You'll find Arupa's contact info there and by clicking on Zoobird's Menu link on the menu bar. Keep me posted, I'll be more specific if you have trouble finding anything in particular. And, enjoy the night! It's a privilege being here in "The Swamp" (as I lovingly call it) this time of year. Best, Mike
Michael Levin
All the best, Michael Levin
Dec 18, 2009
Michael Levin
McRorie is a community garden in Gainesville. It inspired me to start this community because it's so special, both in what it produces and the community that comprises it. Look in the Groups here and you'll see the McRorie Community Gardener's Group. You'll find everything you want to know and how to contact folks there, too. The Caring Zoobirds group is all about helping others with lots of Home Van and related newsletters. You'll find Arupa's contact info there and by clicking on Zoobird's Menu link on the menu bar. Keep me posted, I'll be more specific if you have trouble finding anything in particular. And, enjoy the night! It's a privilege being here in "The Swamp" (as I lovingly call it) this time of year. Best, Mike
Dec 18, 2009