Tjasa Torres


Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Bicycles

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Hi Tjasa and welcome to Zoobird. Next step is to join Groups you find interesting and post/contribute to Discussions. You can also upload media like photos, music and videos. I'll send you an invitation to join the Mind, Body and Spirit group. Here's a welcome gift from the McRorie Community Garden: an urban mandala! All the best, Mike

  • Michael Levin

    Hi Tjasa! Glad you're enjoying Zoobird! Enjoy. We're looking forward to our first blog post. When you blog something it shows up in the upper left corner of Zoobird's homepage. Blog posting is accessible from your home page ("My Page" in the tabs on top row of Zoobird). You can add a discussion, too. For example, you can add a Discussion to the Mind, Body and Spirit group, which you will enjoy joining - you "join" groups within Zoobird. Easy! Best, Mike
  • Michael Levin

    Dear Tjasa,


    That bike is waiting for you to borrow, so feel free to drop by and try it out!


    All the best,
