Hi Carla, I'm fairly new to this site and getting acquainted with a lot of nice people. I'm going to check out your discussion on freezing greens. I used to do a lot of gardening, freezing, and canning of fruits and vege's especially when I lived in Colorado where I had a huge garden and there were a lot of fruit orchards. I'd be interested to know more of your interest in mind-body-spirit. I also would like to invite you to join my new group, Environmental Zoo where you can discuss your concerns, solutions, ideas, or anything else you'd like to share. I also have en environmental discussion going. Of course I'd like to invite you to become my friend as well. Have a beautiful day!
Hi Carla, I just wrote out a lengthy comment for you and must have forgotten to hit the comment button. I'd like to invite you to be my friend and also to join my new group, Environmental Zoo, where you can share your concerns, ideas, solutions, or anything else you'd like to share. I used to do a lot of canning and freezing of fruits and vege's especially in Colorado where I had a huge garden and there were lotz of fruit orchards. I just checked out your discussion on freezing greens. Wish I could garden again.
Ellen Bush
Dec 18, 2008
Ellen Bush
Dec 18, 2008
Arunas Kutkus
Mar 22, 2010