


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Bicycles, Poetry, Helping others, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
Oneness Community
Do you have a website?
Would you like to share your Reading List with us? Just name a few or as many as you like here. Websites are great, too!
Dao Te-Ching, How to win Friends and influence people, Celestine Prophecy, Zen Companion, Never Ending Story
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
Dynamic Funky Character

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Hi Wizanda and welcome to Zoobird! Here's a gift from the garden: an urban mandala. All the best, Mike