Fantastic that you're on Zoobird! I am so glad. Now, we can stay in touch. That's half of what Zoobird is best for, The other half is sharing content. And, that's what I hope you do a lot of. You can upload videos. For example, you could upload a preview of a collage you've done. I have great luck attracting visitors by using once I've uploaded a video or photo, or written a story.
Please recommend Zoobird to a few of your friends using the invite feature. And, I hope you'll join some groups and discussions.
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Fantastic that you're on Zoobird! I am so glad. Now, we can stay in touch. That's half of what Zoobird is best for, The other half is sharing content. And, that's what I hope you do a lot of. You can upload videos. For example, you could upload a preview of a collage you've done. I have great luck attracting visitors by using once I've uploaded a video or photo, or written a story.
Please recommend Zoobird to a few of your friends using the invite feature. And, I hope you'll join some groups and discussions.
See you soon,