Sandra Critelli caught these amazing photos of stingrays. Her photos have become very popular on the viral web. I've gotten three emails from different people detailing her adventure. I asked Sandra whether it was OK to post her pictures on Zoobird. She thanked me and said it was OK. So, here are a few. Her website is Here's the description from one email...from my cousin Jerry in… Continue
We've all seen the pattern. Things begin and end. We begin again. This may mean starting your exercise again or dieting. You may find yourself smoking again and have to make a promise to yourself that you'll quit. You may have quit drinking and need to jump back on the wagon. You might have sworn you'd be kinder and nicer to people and lost your temper. Fortunately, you've got a second… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on January 30, 2009 at 1:34pm —
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I woke up this morning ready for a cup of coffee. Last night, I watched a show about Ethiopia on the travel channel. It reminded me of the coffee I bought a few months ago from the local Ethiopian restaurant. The whole process of roasting your own coffee intrigued me. I tried it myself and loved it. It only takes about 10 or 15 minutes to put the green beans in a pot, open all the windows and shut off the…
I'm a music buff. My life has been filled with good vibes ever since I can remember. (click here to jump out and see the above video - worth it!)
The house back in Texas was filled with kids taking piano and guitar lessons. We had recitals every so often with students showing off what they'd learned. Proud parents smiled as their children and friends… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on January 27, 2009 at 5:00am —
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Wonder what the snow is like in Crested Butte right now? FlyingCracker dot com is the place to go to find out. It's all about weather. High tech sensors feed data from all over Colorado to give you a real-time view of what it's like out there. There's a webcam, feeds from the Dep't of Transportation, a wishcam, and so much more. And, there's also great drink recipes! What more could an armchair traveler ask… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on January 26, 2009 at 6:59pm —
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I just read a review of Slum Dog Millionaire that said "The older you get, the more movies you’ve seen, the harder it is to get carried away by one. (Inevitably you begin to put every movie you see in the context of some other movie you’ve seen. You become impossible to surprise. You wise up to the ways movie…
Rivka Galchen's novel Atmospheric Disturbances explores the consensus view of reality. Descartes asked the same question in his Meditations. He wondered if... Read the rest…
NYTimes, "A Bicycle Evangelist With the Wind Now at His Back", by Cornelia Dean: "Mr. Blumenauer’s goals are larger than putting Americans on two wheels. He seeks to create what he calls a more sustainable society, including wiser use of…Continue
Added by Michael Levin on January 13, 2009 at 8:30am —
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"JO: What are your views on people going to college to learn guitar?
NY: Paints a pretty doomed picture of the future, doesn't it?[Laughs.] First of all, it doesn't matter if you can play a scale. It doesn't matter if your technique is good. If you have feelings that you want to get out through music, that's what matters. If you have the… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on January 12, 2009 at 5:00pm —
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