Thanks, Shmal - The Nation: "“WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT” – a full page ad in the Sunday New York Times Dec. 27 must have puzzled many readers. The ad marked an anniversary: it was 40 years ago today that John Lennon and Yoko Ono launched their “War Is Over!” campaign, with billboards in New York, London, Hollywood,… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on December 28, 2009 at 3:33pm —
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What a beautiful afternoon! Click on the photo above to see some gorgeous pix of the garden.
My jalapeno peppers yielded a few hot ones for the weekend. There's nothing better than fresh picked peppers. These aren't too firey hot, but they're a lot hotter than Poblanos or… Continue
Holiday time can be miserable, especially if you're on the street. Extreme conditions can be euphoric, too. I interviewed Richard Emerson on Swampcast one day at Lake Eola in Orlando. You can hear the euphoria in Richards… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on December 26, 2009 at 1:30pm —
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The birds were singing, the breeze was blowing and you could smell the rosemary in the garden the other day. I've been all over the place the past few weeks and had finally a chance to drop by my patch to tend the plants.
That's McRorie community gardener Nick in the photo above. He and I chatted and I hope you all get a chance to meet him virtually here at the Zoobird community. I wrote about this latest Great Day in the Garden on Elephant… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on December 23, 2009 at 7:00pm —
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My 2009 has been a good one. Work has been good, new ideas and development and more responsibilities.
Bike has been riding all year round - only four (4) days I have commuted to the office with something else than a bicycle. Plus the long summer ride from Helsinki to Joensuu that I mentioned earlier.
Musically it has been a quiet year - only 10 gigs (with 5 different groups) plus… Continue
It has been a winter for a week or so in Helsinki too now. Temperature well below zero (centigrade...), and there is snow. Pure white snow. And it is snowing some more!
ps. and oh, the brave people doing the ice fishing -
less than 2 weeks ago, this place had still no ice at all… Continue
Added by pete korhonen on December 21, 2009 at 3:30am —
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Whenever I begin a blog post with the title "...and Everything Else...", I'm going to do some free associating. So brace yourself.
It's a sunny day here in the Swamp (as I affectionately call Florida, where I live now). Here I am, minding my own business and just piddling around. I really should be outside, riding a cool, red bike I just got. Click the photo below to go to the Bike Zoo and read along with me… Continue
A Favorite Winter Solstice Ritual by Flash Silvermoon at Moonhaven
Flash Silvermoon shares her thoughts for the Winter Solstice.
Along with jumping over the fire to affirm one's new path, which is a wonderful tried and true ritual, I have created a fun and third eye opening ritual for Yule.
Tell all who come to your circle to bring a wrapped gift of something that they want to pass on. It needn't be new but it can be and not too expensive... just something you… Continue
Added by Flash Silvermoon on December 19, 2009 at 2:00am —
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Before we begin, please set the tone by clicking on this music video* and smile while you read this, because it's going to make you feel good!
What is community supported agriculture (CSA)? CSA's are farms that operate on the community's promise to support them, sharing the risks. Magnolia…Continue
Added by Michael Levin on December 17, 2009 at 10:30am —
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Magnolia Farms is in Live Oak, FL and serves Gainesville and the surrounding area. So, if you're local, you can sign up - it's CSA, community supported agriculture.
This just in from Avaaz: “We just got word that the UK’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown would like to update Avaaz members on the Copenhagen summit and answer some questions from us TODAY (Wednesday), before he sits down with Barack Obama, Germany’s Angela Merkel, China’s Wen Jiabao, President Lula from Brazil and other top leaders.
Details -
A conference call with the UK Prime Minister at 5.30pm European time (4.30pm GMT /…Continue
Added by Michael Levin on December 16, 2009 at 10:30am —
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New Mexico was sort of our training ground for getting us into the frame of mind for what we wanted to do in Arkansas. In New Mexico the hippies had adobe models for building their homes, but in Nogo, like I said, we were freer in building our houses. I had never built anything before, hence some of what I built was pretty primitive and basic, but worked. At least when I, with some help from Eloise and Lance, built my cabin, no one could tell me it didn’t meet community… Continue
Somehow a top official from CropLife -- the powerful chemical industry
trade group that went after Michelle Obama's organic garden -- has been
nominated to serve as America's chief agricultural negotiator for
international trade. If confirmed by the Senate, Isi Siddiqui, who has
spent the last several years of his career fighting various restrictions
and bans on environmentally hazardous pesticides, would bring that
inappropriately… Continue
Cochabamba is a beautiful city, Bolivia´s 4th largest, and towers at 2500 meters or about 8,000 feet above sea level. We are here to enjoy the wedding of my friend Lamine from Senegal and Maria, who was born here.
Someone just commented to me that she loved the produce here. She said ¨The strawberries may not be so big. But, they taste so good! And, the grapes all have seeds like they should.
December opens its gates with a Full Moon in Gemini on the 2nd so we can expect lots and lots of words. Will we hear the Truth? Now that may be another story entirely depending on how exacting you are about the T word. I have learned that Geminis rarely lie but they do change their minds;so it depends on which twin is talking.
The political and economic log jam that was created when Saturn and Pluto began a most UN-seductive tango… Continue
Added by Flash Silvermoon on November 25, 2009 at 6:30pm —
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Hiking on Paynes Prairie yesterday, we watched a large flock of turkeys strutting among the dog fennel and salt bush plants. But we were also a bit horrified. Here it is only a few days before Thanksgiving and they're wandering around without a care in the world. After centuries of being the main attraction on the traditional Thanksgiving table, you’d think they would have developed some instinctive aversion to all things human at this hungry season. They should feel uneasy and have an… Continue
How Far Out of the Broom Closet and into the Streets?
by Flash Silvermoon
This is such an interesting question as Halloween and Pride approaches.
Part of my "outness" is just me being me and if that helps another to be themselves more then part of my job is done whether as a witch,a lesbian,a feminist, or whatever closet you might choose or feel forced to inhabit.
I acknowledge that I have the privilege of working for myself, albeit it hard earned and not without… Continue
Added by Flash Silvermoon on November 25, 2009 at 10:14am —
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