My Class tonight at the Moonhaven Mystery School of Earth Magic for Women will be doing a Prosperity Ritual that I have created and have used for many many years and I am sharing it here for you to use tonight wherever you are or for future reference. it is really simple and needs to be done with a group ideally for the full and best result, even better if you are doing it for a shared cause. OTHER WOMEN, IF… Continue
Added by Flash Silvermoon on November 25, 2009 at 10:00am —
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For Heaven's Sake, Don't Drink the Kozmic Kool Aid !
by Flash Silvermoon
Interesting synchronicity today as I contemplate the needless tragic deaths in the "Sweatlodge" of last week. I have been furious ever since I heard the News commentator release the sad report about James Arthur Ray's "Spiritual Warrior Retreat in Sedona, Ariz.
At $9,000 + a pop to sit at the feet of this Guru wannabe, we are seeing the Corporatization of Spirituality, Enlightenment to those who… Continue
However mean your life is, meet it and live it: do not shun it and call it hard names. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Things do not change, we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. God will see that you do want society.
Henry David Thoreau
US… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on November 24, 2009 at 2:36am —
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There must be an acceleration of a shift in consciousness so humans have a greater understanding of each of their roles on this planet. On the material plane there are so many areas of concern that each of us must be aware of. They all can be dealt with if the shift in consciousness takes place along with each of us doing our share in spreading the material plane work along with the cosmic work.
Acknowledging that our breath is a universal… Continue
Added by Sh'mal Ellenberg on November 6, 2009 at 7:29pm —
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In the winter of 1970 a group of strangers migrated from cities to the Santa Fe Community School in Santa Fe, New Mexico where this odyssey began. If there can be a beginning for anything that happens in life, since now I know: Life is a smooth if sometimes irregular and uncertain ongoing creation story, from the big bang to this moment. We each brought with something with us that became a part of the whole.
Like a spark of spirit.
A simple spark… Continue
There's something about hot peppers, especially jalapeños, that just makes me feel great. It all goes back to my days growing up in the Southwest. Peppers are such a part of the culture in Mexico, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Colorado (to name just a few places) that its impossible to ignore them. You just get involved to one degree or… Continue
Two motto's to live by; the Boy Scout motto "Always be Prepared" and The Marines motto, "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome."
We lived through one winter storm here in Kentucky in the early 90’s that left us with 18” of wet snow, temps in the 30’s and below, and no power for 5 days. I had a chimney put in for a wood stove when we built our home. Yep I procrastinated (not good) and I didn’t have my wood stove, lesson learned. After that we bought a whole house wood burning… Continue
NPR:"After a delayed start due to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Iraqi students are heading back to school. Many of Iraq's schools lack electricity and running water, but they will be getting something new this year: a…Continue
Added by Michael Levin on October 15, 2009 at 12:00pm —
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Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Gainesvile, FL. The weather is finally cooling down.
That gives the flowers a chance to bloom.
My garlic chives, left from Sh'mal's planting, are thriving, as always. I gave some to our new neighbor Mary and her son Asher… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on October 14, 2009 at 10:30am —
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UF Phd candidate Alex Goldman founded thinking that sharing makes more sense than buying. Say for example you need to dig a posthole. Once. Hopefully, never again! Does it make sense to run to the hardware store and buy your own posthole digger? Why not borrow one for an hour from a neighbor…
Sharing promotes community. You get to know your neighbors.… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on October 13, 2009 at 11:07am —
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Diane Aikin says "Finally back in Egypt and loving it....picture from Alexandria. Going to the Sinai tomorrow...Diane" Take lots of photos for us, Diane. Please let us know what delicious things your friends in Egypt are doing with those fantastic spices.
Added by Michael Levin on October 11, 2009 at 6:30pm —
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The Hawthorne Hostel in Portland, OR is one of my favorite placs. Why? Because on any given day, it's buzzing with people looking for good times, excellent conversation, and the whole structure works as a eco-friendly place. It's got an earthen roof, rain barrels, tents out back for the folks with lesser income, and great buffets on Sundays called Gracie's Lunch.
Every city should have a Hawthorne Hostel. Check out some other cool… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on October 11, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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Some of you may remember Bruce from the McRorie Community Garden. Don't worry. He hasn't passed away! He's just moved on. Hope he comes back sometime. I loved his patch. He had climbers that covered the sides of the unique, fencelike structure he put up surrounding his garden...
We have been successful in getting our little garden area going... we have planted some native plants (succulents, mostly) and some plants which will attract pollinators. The next thing we are working on is a rain collection system... water is so scarce here in Southern AZ that we need to be very creative... In addition, we are working on our bat houses. This is particularly fun right now... and fits in well with the season. I am hoping to get some pictures of the projects up soon.
Last month, I was at Burning Man during the full moon. Yes, there's still playa dust on a couple of things. It's hard to believe that a month has passed already.
I was joking that I hated it in the post about Burning Man. I actually checked my calendar to see if I was free for… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on October 3, 2009 at 1:09am —
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This morning was probably cool and nice, if you are in N. America. For me, it was a breath of fresh air, literally! We got a little cool front here in Florida. It was in the 50's F at sunrise in Gainesville.
Fall brings harvest season and...festivals! First and foremost on my mind is the Lake Eden Arts Fest in N. Carolina. Music, camping, and the beauty of NC are all shouting out… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on September 30, 2009 at 12:30pm —
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Then “The Women” came. Some of us knew them from Austin. Not me, they weren’t my friends, but they were coming.
A collective of lesbians,
Came in pairs,
Small groups,
Left, came again.
We helped them look for their own land,
Bottom land, down by a river, beautiful place,
With very difficult access. They bought it ─ I think,
Who can remember?
But never lived there.
In the meantime they were there,
With us,
But on… Continue
Added by Sh'mal Ellenberg on September 28, 2009 at 10:28pm —
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I dropped by the garden this weekend. The workday last weekend was a huge success. If you recall, the summer growth in McRorie Community Garden was begging for attention.…