I remember the house next to Lucy Brown’s. She and I would drop by as we
ran around playing back in the 60’s. We’d go inside and he’d be playing
Janis Joplin on the record player. The door was always open.…Continue
Added by Michael Levin on July 5, 2010 at 9:30am —
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Sh'mal asked me to post this for him. Some of you know him as a social worker, others for his help with the homeless in Gainesville, FL. He managed the McRorie Community Garden for some time. I met him there. I wound up with my patch because he gave his to me. He was moving to Seattle to be… Continue
I am deeply grateful and happy to let you know that the Gainesville
Police Department is joining in the effort to keep our homeless friends
hydrated and well through the extreme heat of this summer. They are
accepting donations of bottled water, sun screen and bug spray at their
headquarters, 721 NW 6th Street, and taking them out to areas where
homeless people camp. They have also created… Continue
Eric gave me some of this Holy Basil tea. The striking thing is its taste. It's delicious. Nearly as surprizing is how far it goes. I made a pot using one tea
bag. It's extremely strong. It easily yields several cups from a tea
bag. Wikipedia describes Holy Basil as "
Ocimum tenuiflorum (also tulsi, tulasī) is an aromatic plant…
Nick proudly told me he and Erin made a batch of delicious veggie burgers. He used a recipe from a guy called The Minimalist at the NYTimes. I had to try it. They turned out so good and you won't believe how easy it was.
I mentioned Elephant Journal to Carla Van Arnum. After visiting it, she raved about an article with a video that she thought was superb. This is the video.
Like what you've read so far? Visit the Zoobird Mind, Body and Spirit group and read the rest… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on May 10, 2010 at 8:46am —
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"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return." -Mary Jean… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on May 4, 2010 at 8:30am —
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A belated thank you to the children of Westminster Presybterian Church,
who made 12 dozen dyed Easter eggs for us to take out. They do this
every year, and it's really special. Thank you to the P.K. Yonge 9th
graders who collected an awesome amount of food for us, along with some
socks and hygiene products. The PK 9th graders are making a special
project of learning about homeless people and doing… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on May 1, 2010 at 6:06pm —
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Spring is in the air. It's as beautiful here in Winter Park, FL as it gets. April was the friendliest month I can remember here, ever. There are little baby grapefruits on the trees, Citrus blossoms are all replaced by these gems...…
It was a full, full moon over McRorie Community Garden. The owls hooted, the doves cooed, and the air was full of electricity, misty with the setting dew and clouds.
What's Beetsa? Why, it's pizza made with beet sauce, of…
Trung sent us a PowerPoint file of photos of the Earth, taken by astronaut Sunita Williams. It has sound and you navigate by pressing your page keys. Thanks, Trung. Trung is the proprietor of the Seaside Hostel in Oregon.… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on April 26, 2010 at 4:49pm —
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The Gainesville Garden Bike Tour 2010 occurred yesterday. Click the photo above to see the entire set. No, this is just a draft and you'll get more, but right now I am headed to Finca Mycol for a day of learning about sustainability with the UF Sustainability group...before it pours down rain! I'm bringing some famous Zoobird… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on April 25, 2010 at 10:30am —
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Mycol Stevens has the ultimate home organic garden: 20 acres just north of Gainesville, FL. I wrote about Mycol's place on Elephant Journal here. He's cultivated his property with edible plants from all over the world. Just last weekend, Mycol taught an Ethnobotany Intensive workshop at the Forest Hostel in Brunswick, GA. If I… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on April 24, 2010 at 8:54am —
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The Zoobird Reading List is on the right column of this homepage and in every Zoobird Group. For example, if you go to the McRorie Community Gardeners Group, you'll see a Reading List specific to the topic of that group. The Reading Lists change frequently, so keep an eye on them for interesting articles.
You know each Zoobird member has a blog. The blog is featured in your member page and also on the… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on April 20, 2010 at 8:46am —
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The Ciöcc is a beautiful Italian bike that was designed by frame maker Giovanni Pelizzoli. The factory was founded 60 years ago in Mozzo, Italy. Ciöcc means "poker faced" in Italian slang...
Ciöcc is pronounced like "chee-OH'-ch". The frame is steel, which is much more comfortable on cobblestones you find in the streets of Italian… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on April 9, 2010 at 10:30am —
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This months presentation is "A Harvest Based Garden Plan". Come and learn how to complete a garden plan, meet your food needs, and harvest for peak flavor at Simple Living Institute's Organic Growers Meeting. Bunch or Bush Sweet Potato plants will be available for sale at the meeting: 3 for $1 for current Simple Living members and 2 for $1 for non members.
Read more about Simple Living Institute and the Organic Growers meeting at… Continue
Added by Michael Levin on April 9, 2010 at 9:30am —
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