Having grown and eaten vegetables from our community garden for the past few years, that part of our earth has become part of me. It dawned on me one day a few years ago, that all the attention and love I put into the garden comes back into me. Not just me but everyone who tends to the crops we grow. I lean a bit towards the mystical so I enjoyed the realization of the earth there becoming me, me becoimng the earth as I tended to the crops. It is all pretty amazing that life happens this way: what we put into life come back to us, what we put into the garden comes back to us, making us more aware of our earth nature. It all seems elementary, but for most of society, only buying from markets, they don't get the same sense of connectedness one gets from being one with the primary source. A way to be part of all creation by participating in this wonderful garden.
I've been calling the woman who owns the horse farm where much of the manure came for years for our garden. She hasn't gotten back to me. She's very private about her farm and never wanted me not there when we loaded manure. I always respected that. The Canterbury Horse Farm out Newberry Rd was a place I got a few loads over the years. They load with a front loader. I assume it's still available. With so many gardening now, it will be necessaay to have good sources of manure. I hope everyone continues to enjoy the benefits of the food from the garden. I'll be leaving for Seattle soon, so this is my sign off from the garden, although I'll be there this week, Sh'mal
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