
Dangerously organic!

What's the big smile about? That's Ron Chandler smiling at me at the McRorie Community Garden on the 24th. Ron's been in Asia, as you all may have read on his blog. I've been in the thin air of Crested Butte, CO. You can click on the photo above to see the set.

Here's my patch in "weeding progress". The weeds got pretty high while I was gone. Stay tuned ... Read the rest of this blog post at The McRorie Community Garden Group!

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Comment by Michael Levin on March 30, 2009 at 11:54pm
Well, you've heard the old expression "My collards are your collards..." Pllllease post some stories! Don't let being on the road stop you. Extemporaneous spewing of fiction is fine. It doesn't have to be a polished oldie. I Google mapped Katona and it looks good and spacious. The satellite imagery of the area is crystal clear. I agree it was the better part of wisdom not tempting fate with human hair on our airways. Unless you're looking for some good, dark humor! I would love to see Michelle's work. Maybe she'll notice this comment and accommodate. For what it's worth, she can upload video here on Zoobird. I love Mass (seafood, accents, sheer intellectual energy) and dig that Frank Lloyd Wright architecture in Buffalo. Ron is rocking and rolling. I haven't seen the new digs yet, but his patch is full of McRorie Stew ingredients as always. By the way, the Levinberg patch (Elvin, as in Ellenberg/Levin - hey, that's kind of catchy) Elvin is much more free of weeds now. And, it was way satisfying to see those tall weeds come up so easily in such short order, mainly because they were rootd in soft, rich, fertile soil. That dish you see at the end of this blog post puts all the ones in the past to shame. I think the collards are peaking. Write! Later, Mike
Comment by Sh'mal Ellenberg on March 30, 2009 at 2:30pm
Well, you should know that I picked a few of those collards when I was there last week. I"m in Katona NY for a few days. Will visit a friend in Mass and then another in Buffalo and a back in Seattle on the seventh. I promise when I get back I'll send more stories posting them on Zoobird and face book and get them out and have more feedback. hung Batina's show in a very upscale hair salon yesterday getting help from a good friend who grew up with my son's in G'ville, who happens to be a art handler. Michelle was there and she shot a video of our three hours of work, that included watching expensive hair being cut, braided, colored, straightened, curled, shaved, and disposed of in a waste basket. i wanted to save their hair for compost, but wasn't sure if I could bring it on the plane with all the security regulations. Nice picture of Ron. Blessings and blessings Sh'mal


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