
Dangerously organic!

Gainesville Sights

This is my broccoli. As you can see, they're growing and happy. Meanwhile, the rest of my patch is awaiting new plants for the spring crop.

Gainesville Sights

Here's what the local feed and seed store suggests for spring planting. Our community garden is a little water constrained these days. The city asked us to take our timers off the spigots. Since many of us only come to the garden a few times a week, this is tough for plants like, say, basil that need water frequently. When it rains here, it pours. But, there are weeks without any rain at all. And the soil is sandy, so it's nice to have a bit of water every day.

You and The Man in the Moon

I got this book, You and the Man in the Moon: The Complete Guide to Using the Almanac, by Jack Pyle and Taylor Reese. It's all about understanding almanacs. So far, I've learned a lot. It's interesting and packed with folklore farmers have sworn by for generations.

Gainesville Sights

We have a beautiful natural area south of Gainesville, FL called Payne's Prairie. There are alligators, wild horses and buffalo. I took a ride from there to the garden and enjoyed the fresh air this weekend.

Gainesville Sights

Here's my old Dawes Galaxy, the only bike to survive my school days. I got this bike back in college. Up until then, every bike I ever had got stolen. So, naturally, when I acquired this one by trading for it a primo geode and a Sony microcassette recorder, which were pretty cool, I took care of it. Of all the bikes since, it's usually my first choice when it comes to doing practical things, like just riding to the store, office or the garden. I got it in '79 and it was probably 10 years old then.

All's well. Kombucha's fermenting. Juicer netted 64oz of carrot juice from 5lb of raw carrots today. The sun is shining, the sky is blue. Is it time for you to post your thoughts in a blog here on Zoobird? You bet it is!

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