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Austro Daimler Bike and a little Rachmaninov...

The sun is just peeking through the clouds so I'll keep this short. Nearly time to go to the garden and do some work in the dirt!

I was looking through the local craigslist bike ads as I often do and ran across an interesting ad.

"I'm selling my 1970's Austro Daimler Vent Noir II. All original parts including the gold gears. This is an Austrian made Italian Stage style frame geometry bicycle. I brought this with me from California so its seen almost no rain. I just put on new tires and new cinelli wrap. These bikes sell for over $700 on ebay. You could slap a few decals on her and make a pretty penny. You won't find a more stable frame than a Vent Noir. Please read up on the Vent Noir's history."

Pretty sweet! http://gainesville.craigslist.org/bik/3373525827.html

I've always had a soft spot for Austro Daimlers, ever since I saw this single speed parked near www.enzian.org:

So, I clicked on the link and wow, I could hardly believe the depth of the story!

Meanwhile, I clicked back into the site to the homepage and saw this amazing piano, a Bosendorfer. The most beautiful rendition of Rachmaninov's "Prelude No. 2 in C Sharp Minor" Op. 3, plays in the background.

That's it. Time for a ride!

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